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Global Biofuels Alliance : Defining leadership of Bharat

Global Biofuels Alliance : Defining leadership of Bharat

As Bharat grows, it’s unsatiable need for affordable renewable energy will grow and aspirations of citizens will demand more and more; with energy needs growing both in domestic and industrial sectors.

Global Biofuels Alliance : Defining leadership of Bharat Global Biofuels Alliance : Defining leadership of Bharat

A burgeoning population with most youth on the planet, a risky rural to urban migration and citizens with growing aspirations, a country with limited resources and an “ocean of opportunities," that is what our Bharat is and we will take positive steps to be a ‘Vishwa Guru’ as we bring to fore our prowess to Engage, Evolve and Energise, through “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, at the upcoming G20 Summit at New Delhi.

As Bharat grows, it’s unsatiable need for affordable renewable energy will grow and aspirations of citizens will demand more and more; with energy needs growing both in domestic and industrial sectors. We have committed to a ‘Just’ and ‘Timely’ Energy Transition while aiming to be Net Zero by year 2070 A.D. and that is a challenge that calls for many synergies and one of the critical ones if retaining the base for Food Security and Energy Security.

Our foray to curate the Global Biofuels Alliance comes at a time when the World is looking at us as a rapidly surging economy, an investment opportunity, a growing market, an aspiring manufacturing hub and above all a ‘Trustworthy’ partner. The trust-factor provides us with the leverage to call for Initiatives for collective global development, climate change initiatives, energy transition and more.

The Global Biofuels Alliance, through a collective call of Bharat, Brazil and USA aims to bring in synergies between G20 Nations for identifying and enabling to develop markets and sustainable biofuels production capacities, trans-national energy financing, technology partnerships including R&D through a consensual performance-based sustainability assessments and policy and legal frameworks.

With the financial prowess of the G20 and inclusion of Global South and African Union for developmental streams, the Global Biofuels Alliance will enable the much needed near-4 trillion USD per year, with optimized utilisation, to achieve the globally stated Net Zero targets; as this conglomeration will create investment opportunities, large-scale projects, allow trade of biofuel and carbon credits, foster credible responsible energy transition and mitigate climate change effects.

As the roots of Biofuels Industry connects Farms to Factory, this will help alleviate poverty, reduce rural migration, facilitate more jobs, usher an environment of Skill Development, R&D & partnerships in technology & manufacturing, enable financial inclusion, boost Sustainable Development Goals and DEI with larger number of entrepreneurship led by women across the globe, create Circular Economies of scale, upscale the global GDP, ensure Food Security by making farming lucrative, create avenues for afforestation and energy plantation, reduce stubble burning while impacting the environment and health positively, enhance global friendships with G2G, B2B and People-to-People connects as well.

The Initiatives taken by Bharat with International Solar Alliance transformed Renewable Energy Sector and scaled up our own capacities, while meeting laid down objectives earlier thatn stipulated timelines and the Biofuels Sector will surely get a definite impetus with the upcoming Global Biofuels Alliance and sectors of Compressed Bio Gas (Under SATAT Scheme with 5000 LsOI), E2G (2nd Generation Ethanol for fuel blending in vehicles, just like Brazil) and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Which Bharat would have to undertake with obligations as a CORSIA Signatory soon) will grow manifold and contribute towards an Aaatmanirbhar #NetZero2070 Transition with nearly 250 Million Metric Tonnes of Agricultural Waste (‘Parali’ of varied feedstocks) to be utilized for multiple uses.

BHARAT has truly arrived !


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Published on: Sep 08, 2023, 1:30 PM IST
Posted by: Tarab Zaidi, Sep 08, 2023, 1:24 PM IST